Poem: Vicissitudes

Everytime when I,
Remember things from,
The past,
It was a nice place,
With some bitter memories.

So then I step out,
And feel life.

All my sorrows dissolve,
In this humid air.

And when the seagulls fly over,
It is so peaceful.

And when the wind blows,
All my tension is blown away.

And as I walk on the wet sand,
My shoulders feel light.

And when I look at the calm waves,
Musically moving up and down,
All my problems seem,
So far away.

Doesn't life too,
Plays musically up and down ?
Only a bit unpredictable !
So why fret and worry yourself with stress and depression ?
Look around you,
Living examples,
Of life everywhere.

Look up at the sky !
See that sun ?
It's shinin' even in the winters !
So Smile my Dear, Smile and Stay Happy !


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